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    Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. 

    Lao Tzu - Chinese philosopher


    Hi, we are Smellacloud. A young and driven company with a sustainable mission and a clear vision: feel good, smell good and be happy! 

     We, co-founders Robert and Tamsyn, believe that relaxation is THE superpower that enables people to do what they truly want. We have spent years studying the magic and science of the art of relaxation. And the more we learn, the more we are convinced: relaxation changes everything! It makes us friendlier, quicker, more focused, healthier and smarter. How clear would the world be if all of us would relax? We want to find out!

    Quality products 

    We work only with the best materials and manufacturers.

    Fair prices 

    No middlemen, no pricey marketing, just a good product.

    Stress-free shopping 

    Is something unclear? Our customer support is here to help you!

    No bullshit, just happiness 

    No bullshit, just happinessWe sell sustainable aromatherapy that is affordable for anyone. Smellacloud delivers the aroma diffusers and essential oils directly to the customers. No expensive middlemen that need to benefit. No distribution channels or franchisers. No multi-level marketing practices, expensive showroom, big team or resellers. Okay, so what DO you do? We sell 100% natural products for fair prices. 

    Our mantra 

    "When you are happy, you can make other people happy too." This mantra is something we apply to everything we do and come up with. Everything we do is for the purpose of a sustainable and cleaner world. And to that mission we add something magical: relaxation. With Smellacloud we hope to offer a platform for anyone who is looking for inspiration, motivation and organic fortune. We make relaxation a down-to-earth and easily accessible principal. 


       We are just as obsessed with offering good service as we are with relaxation. We believe that buying sustainable and conscious products should be as easy as watching Netflix or ordering food.

     No crazy prices that make your jaw drop to the floor en especially no vague stories that are only understandable to people who've spent at least a year in India. We work on the ultimate customer experience on a daily basis, by keeping our aroma products fun, clear and affordable.

     Yes, we get extremely happy when customers approach us with questions and valuable feedback! Because after all: relaxation begins with a stress-free shopping experience.

    At the end of the day, we do care

    For real. We strive to make Smellacloud as sustainable as possible. We try our hardest to use recycled materials for our packaging and are always looking out for conscious manufacturers. On top of that we care about the humans that are involved. We only work with fairtrade farmers. We strongly believe that by bettering the way the world works, we can grow stronger as a community and improve our impact on our beautiful planet. Everyone is happy that way. Will you relax with us?

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